Sep 3, 2012
Happy Labor Day!
Aug 30, 2012
3 Days No Bloggin?!
Blogging from my phone, sorry for any weird formatting.
So I’ve been MIA for 3 whole days. Crazy! A little of what’s been going on.. we were planning to buy a house next summer because I do not like the school district we live in and Corbin will start kindergarten next year. We currently are renting the house I grew up in, from my mom. I was originally buying it from her but long story short, I’m not!
Well, a few days ago she called me saying she needs to move from where she is living like NOW. I have never wanted her where she is living, or with who she is living with. So within the next 2 weeks she will be moving in with us or my sister, most likely us. Her and 2 dogs, that’ll make it 5 people and 6 dogs living here.. not going to work for long. We are buying a house within the next couple months instead of next summer. I have been trying to research as much as I can, we have never bought a house and I want it done right without any regrets. (I’ve bought a mobile home before but that didn’t require a bank or loan or anything)So the search is on, for our perfect house and it is hard!
I want this house to be one we will want to live in for hopefully the rest of our lives. There is one house I am in love with but not its location, it’s on a main street, and now I can’t get it out of my head! I NEED to find one like it somewhere else! For the next few weeks that’s what we’ll be doing, looking, looking, looking until we find the house we love.
Today is my meeting at work. Ugh.. really don’t want to go. It’s just awkward, I work from home and have changed units since being at home so a lot of people I don’t even know. Everyone else who always works in the office all know each other and have no idea who I am. I’m making Jacob drop me off because its downtown and the parking lot I used to park in we can’t use anymore. I hate parking garages and hate driving downtown. Reminds me of my first day all over again where I finally found what I thought was the parking garage, only it wasn’t. Then I had no idea where I was and was walking around downtown for 20 minutes before I finally found someone who told me I was 6 blocks away from where I was trying to go! I never tried parking there again.
Today is my Friday though and I have Monday off too! WHOOHOO!!
Aug 26, 2012
Goodbye Weekend
Children's Museum and Raspberry Hair
Aug 23, 2012
I'm a WINNER!!
Aug 22, 2012
Penis at the Grocery Store..
Aug 20, 2012
I Never Have Liked Motorcycles
1 - It was my 12 year old nephews birthday party. They didn't order a cake so he chose this one. :)
2 - Layla & my niece (sort of), Noelle. (this baby girl has a heartbreaking story, maybe I'll share it someday)
3 - Corbin & my sister in law riding the go karts!
4 - I squatted down to take her picture so she thought she was supposed to do it too.
5 - Layla & her Daddy. (I don't think she knew what to think about it)
6 & 7 - Mini Bowling. soo cute.
Ive always been afraid of riding motorcycles and this is exactly why. I actually really don't like even driving at all!
Aug 18, 2012
Parvo Ice Cream Anyone?
Aug 15, 2012
How'd You Get So Fat?!
Aug 14, 2012
Love Love Love Love Crazy Love
We went to elementary school together and I knew who he was because his little brother was in my class.. Jacob had no idea I existed though.. : (
We go to the same school again (middle school), he’s 2 years ahead of me but we ride the same bus. Out of all my years in school if I could go back it’d be to the 6th grade and that bus. Seriously.
So now Jacob knows who I am and he even likes me! One day he decides I’m his “girlfriend” (I guess that’s how it happened, not sure how that really works when you’re 12) I’m kind of a big deal. He draws me pictures and gives me stuffed animals, all that cute 12yr old stuff.
I have no idea really how long this girlfriend situation went on for but he made sure to remind me of how it ended. Apparently he came over one day with his friend and this friend found a note in my room that was to me or from me, I’m not sure now, but it was about the love business involving me and another little boy. Oops.
We didn’t talk or see each other anymore after that. It was the summer before he left for high school. I moved away, we went to different high schools...
Fast Forward almost 9 years. Yes, 9!!
So 9 years later and along comes MySpace… I’m 8 months pregnant, in a bad relationship, I’m a SAHS (stay at home sleeper - I don’t cook or clean *remember that’s the mans job* and no kids yet.. You get it), & I’m in the process of selling my house (with the guy I was with) and buying the house I grew up in from my mom… trying to prepare my escape.
I had thought about Jacob over the years. He was a really sweet boy and I felt bad for what happened when we were younger.
One day, out of nowhere I get a message on MySpace from a Jacob, no last name on it, I knew exactly who it was. He had been stalking my page, he wrote me to congratulate me on the baby I was due to have 2 weeks later. That 1 little message turned into hundreds (thousands?!)
Fast Forward 7 months
I had my son, left the guy I was in a relationship with.. It had been 7 months and the messages from Jacob kept coming.. I thought about him constantly and I needed to see him! We knew each other so long ago and had filled in each other on a lot that had happened since then.
We finally made plans to meet up. It was exciting and scary, yeah we had been talking for a long time but hadn’t seen each other in almost 9 years! We met at my friends house. I had obviously seen new pictures of him but I still expected the boyfriend I had when I was 12 to walk in.. I was a nervous wreck, thank god I was the one already there and sitting down.
He comes in and he’s TALL. Over a foot taller than me. I couldn’t tell that from the pictures! Then he starts talking and holy lord, deep voice, he’s a MAN! (with a baby face) I’m not joking, I was in shock, I was really expecting the little boy I used to know to be there.
We mostly just sat there staring at each other without talking. (I found out later he’s a monk) We saw each other almost every day after that and we still talked every day when we didn’t.
That was the end of his life as he knew it and I bet you he
Some pictures of us over the past 4 years. While making this I realized I don't have any of us after December 2011. What the.. I'll have to fix that!
P.S. He isn’t really a monk but even he says that he should have been. He doesn’t talk a lot unless it’s needed and goes long periods of time just being silent.
Aug 13, 2012
A Love Story?!
Aug 12, 2012
Tastes Like Chicken

Aug 11, 2012
Busy Making Time
So I didn't post yesterday because I was taking this lovely lady's advice! She was right on about making time, I know I need to make time more often for the things I say I don't have time for. I tend to go overboard, its all or nothing.. So, I made time alright, used up my sleep time for it and was late waking up for work. I'm really not so sure that was the point. I did feel better afterwards though. I even cleaned my house which is unheard of! (Isn't that the mans job?!)