Aug 15, 2012

How'd You Get So Fat?!

Before everyone starts hating me, let it be known I do NOT try to be skinny or lose weight. I hate being so skinny.. and I also know that some people are overweight and it is hard to lose weight for them.

I am underweight and have tried for years to change that. The only time I could was during pregnancy and right after. I also know there are lots of people who want to lose weight, obviously, but I would NEVER tell anyone (especially not a complete stranger) how huge and disgusting they are... 

Some people obviously think if it's the other way around then it's acceptable to make comments about how skinny/underweight someone is. I have had multiple people over the years say things to me that just baffle me and clearly are not compliments. Some examples..

Wow, you are just wasting away aren't you?
OMG, look how skinny you are, do you eat?
You are all skin and bones.
You need some meat on you.
        You are anorexic. (do people not know anorexia isn't a body type?)
My 10 year old is bigger than you.
What are you, like a size negative 0?
Do you need me to get you some food?

I have even had someone ask me if my boyfriend actually likes girls this skinny.. wow..

Would it be okay if I can back with...

Wow you've just blown up haven't you?
OMG, you are obese!
Look how huge you are, how much do you eat?
You are bigger than my whole family put together.
You should really lay off all those sweets.
Do you need me to get you on a weight loss plan?

I have never said any of these things because for 1..  I am not rude and for 2... that is never okay to say to anyone!!

What I really should have came back with was the truth of how and why I am underweight and watched as they all realized how completely ignorant they are. 

Luckily I work from home and don't have to deal with this a lot anymore and I'm sure it'd be worse now that I weigh less than I have since I was a kid.
Do you think its okay to comment if a person is skinny? I do not mean the comments that are really compliments, such as.. OMG you are so skinny I hate you.. and so on.. but commenting on how disgustingly skinny someone is? I have never understood what goes through peoples minds as they say these things and I doubt I ever will.

I was just thinking of all this because I have a meeting in 2 weeks that I have to go into the office for. I am dreading it and hoping its cold enough that day to wear a hoodie.


Beate said...

I can totally relate to everything you're writing about here! I've always been borderline normal-/underweight. I can eat as much as I like and it just doesn't change. Since I'm having a lot of food intolerances I can only eat fresh food and self-prepared meals. The combination of both - being skinny though I'm not trying to be - and the food intolerances - took care I heard the same sentences you did, plus people tend to tell me I'm only imagining I can't eat certain things. I'm usually speechless when people come up with things like this. I don't understand how they can be so rude, they wouldn't want to hear this either!
Don't let these people get to you! You're beautiful the way you are and if the only thing certain people can do is being rude they really don't deserve any of your attention.

Heather said...

Yes I think it's rude for someone to comment - since you would NEVER say something if someone was overweight - so it makes zero sense to do this to someone who is on the skinny side. People make comments about me too - and ya know I"m over it! Don't look at me then :) Ha People think just cuz you are skinny that life is perfect and you have no problems. Weight is no different than skin color or hair type... Who cares... :) Keep your head up girl and embrace being a skinny minny :)


Sarah Lynn said...

Thank you and sorry you've had to deal with this too. Im on a mission to gain weight and I hope it works!! :)

Sarah Lynn said...

Thank you! I think that's my biggest problem, not what people say about me but how I feel about myself. Hopefully one day I'll be happy with my weight and then it wont really matter what anyone else says!! :) Skinny would be just fine but people can't seriously think it's fun being underweight and having no energy!

Hollie Ann said...

UGHHHHHH! I feel you! I'm naturally thin and people are SO rude!

Sarah Lynn said...

Yes they are!