Aug 7, 2012

My Husband Cheated on Me

I could always update my Facebook status about this... but...

Sometimes (ok a lot of times) People post things on Facebook that make me say What in the..?! In my opinion there are just some things in our lives that shouldn't be broadcast to the whole world. 

I'm talking about people who complain a lot, broadcast their drama then post about how they are sick of the drama, and the best ones, like "My husband cheated on me he's a low life piece of S#*& @*&%#!!!" Then the comments come, everyone now hates your husband.. The next day that same person updates her status with how much she loves her husband/family.. He's all of a sudden amazing again! Uhh like I said... WOW!! Is it just me or does everyone have "friends" on FB like this??

 Then again, it is their facebook, maybe I should mind my own. or better yet just delete them. No I wont, that's my entertainment!

I do delete people who constantly complain though! (Wait.. is that what I'm doing?!) This is what I mean... 
You say you “need a break” from your kids/not working (understandable) BUT I can’t even count the number of times their status has been about going out and/or someone watching their kids... Wait what?! Maybe I’m just jealous but it sure seems like your life IS a vacation!

On that note, I really do try not to compare myself to anyone or anyone else to each other for that matter... Someone thinking or feeling like something going on in their life is so bad, may really be that bad to them. If they have never had any worse happen or felt any lower, it may actually be as bad as they say. FOR THEM! But there are some things where I can’t help but think... Really?! Get over yourself!!

Did you think this post would ever end?.. Holy crap.

P.S. Thought I should add that my husband did not have an affair.. in case there was any confusion. I don't even have a husband.


Niken said...

I agree with you.I keep my private life away from fb status. Things that I considered 'drama', breakups,fights, and such thing.It always surprised me people can shout angry status over someone else frankly. I just don't think social media is the have a problem?talk with him in person

Sarah Lynn said...

Yes! Way too many people think those sites were made for that reason. I personally wouldn't want everyone knowing I'm an idiot, if I were!

Thanks for the comment! <3

Amy said...

I TOTALLY know what you mean about Facebook Venters! I mean, I'll admit that back in high school I would stoop to the level of putting up a status that gave juuust enough information to basically say I'm in need of a pick me up, comment something sweet. But then I quickly learned that it's much more fun to not air your dirty laundry on facebook. I mean, aren't we all trying to make it seem like our lives are perfect anyway? Haha it seems like it's one of the other. The My Life Is Perfect status updates, or the My Life Is Awful updates. Ohhh facebook :)

Sarah Lynn said...

Yes! Its definitely usually one or the other. I try to only update about funny things my kids have done or my dogs or... anything other than I love my "perfect" little life or I hate my life. haha.

Thanks for the comment I just checked out your blog and you got a new follower. I love the zucchini post so true and I have felt the same, more than a few times.