Aug 6, 2012

Blogging.. Say what?!

And so it begins...  

I am Sarah you can get to know me some here and my family here.  I have been reading a few different blogs for a few months now (Ok more like a year) So I figured why not blog too. I mean I was starting to feel like a real creeper talking about people like I know them and they don't even know they have a stalker.
 So here I am... Heyyyy!!

I'll be blogging about my life, my kids, my breakdowns...  whatever I want.. so anything and everything!

 Me & the love, Jacob.

 My baby boy, Corbin, funny funny boy!

My baby girl, Layla, shyest little girl ever!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

1 comment:

Sammantha said...

Hey girl! Happy to have you in blogosphere!
